Family & childrens ministry information and blog

What's happening & what we're thinking about!

A bit of background: We are an evangelical church - that means we believe the Bible is the accurate record of God's dealings with people, and it's also his message to us, and not musty irrelevant stuff - it's just as fresh today as when it was written. We believe the Bible tells us how we can have a real relationship with the God who really exists, really made us, really loves us, and really visited earth 2000ish years ago, as the man Jesus. We believe Jesus died for us, so that nothing we've done can stop God from loving us. We believe he came back to life, and he's going to come back, and give us life like that too. And we reckon that if all that is really true, then we've no right to keep it to ourselves! Jesus said that kids can be friends with him too - he didn't send them away - actually, he said adults have got a lot to learn from kids, about being friends with God.So, if you like what you see, why not come and visit us in person? We're on the corner of Lygon and Palmerston Streets, Carlton - that's in Melbourne, Australia.For more information, please email or telephone 03 9347 5152 during business hours.

Scroll down for more information and news ...

Programs for Kids on Sundays

St Jude's has two 'family' congregations, meeting at 9am and 11am each Sunday. During these meetings, "Thrive" programmes run for children from c.9 months to 12 years (or the end of primary school). Click on the buttons to the right for more information.

Family & childrens calendar 2010

  • 12th September, Sun: Grade 6 ceremony - kids welcomed to Youth program
  • 17th September, Fri: School Term 3 ends
  • 19th & 26th September: Relaxed Sunday 'Thrive' program
  • 3rd October, Sun: Term time kids 'Thrive' program starts again!
  • 4th October, Mon: School goes back - Term 4
  • 10th October, Sun: 'Toolbox' Parenting Seminar
  • November, Sundays at 9am and 11am: Social justice focus in Thrive groups
  • 20th November, Saturday: Film & Pizza social night for Grades 3 to 6 - visitors welcome!
  • 3rd December, Friday: Christmas Presentation for Christian Religious Education Princes Hill Primary School
  • 8th December, Wednesday 10am: Playgroup Christmas celebration
  • 11th December, Saturday 7.30pm: Carols in Curtain Square, bring a picnic!
  • 19th December, Sunday 9 and 11am: Celebration Service - we celebrate Thrive kids groups and leaders of 2010
  • 24th December, Friday 6-7pm: Kids Carols - all welcome!
  • 25th December, Saturday 9.30am: Family Christmas service - all welcome!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pizza, Rats, and Edible Christmas Decorations

Two weeks ago we had our last Film & Pizza Night for 2009 - it was a different feel to usual, because we held it in the main part of the church, instead of our usual location, the crypt - but I think the kids enjoyed the opportunity to play games and munch pizza in amongst pews and traditional stained glass windows!
It was a creative night - 22 kids (mostly boys) started by eating pizza, then mixing up batches of Dutch Pepernoten - kids worked in groups of 4, and lined up to melt butter in the microwave, then collect sugar, went off to mix it all up thoroughly, lined up for the flour, then the spices, and so on. Once it was all mixed, they divided it between them, and kneaded and molded and patted and thumped their dough into something which might be hung on a Christmas tree...
While the Pepernoten was baking in the church kitchen, we watched "Flushed Away" - it's lots of fun, and voice-stars Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Kate Winslet and a few others you might recognise too!
We discovered that the more you work the dough, the better the finished biscuit holds its shape. Hmmmm - something for our young MasterChefs to remember for next time.... Not many ornaments were recognisable - or hang-able! when they came out - the picture above is definitely NOT what they looked like - but they were put to the taste test, and even the reluctant kids said they tasted good!
Not to worry, you can't have too much craft, so we finished off the evening by making edible Christmas wreaths - we handed out sturdy paper plates with the middles cut out - so they were just the outer rim. The kids decorated them with Christmassy colours of crepe streamer, in all kinds of creative ways, then used hot glue guns to attach caramels in foil wrappers - they looked fabulous at the end - I'm really regretting that I didn't take my camera along this time!!